Thursday, October 20, 2011

TV Rots Your Mind and Corrupts Your Children!

"As soon as the TV knows that the parent isn't watching, it tells the child to buy something". Dr. Jerry Weiner, Kean University.

I'm on a economic awarness kick with all the Wall Street stuff going on. Ask yourself why we're (the world) in such a bad economic state? Answer: Corporate Greed, and the Dumbing Down of the World...especially Americans. Lets call it the "Trance-Formation" of the world. We're all sitting around in a stupor of one sort or another, and the snake-oil salesmen are taking are hard earned cash. It's like we're hypnotized or mesmorized. Those who are aware are often distracted be burdens of survival. Those who overcome those burdens are the one's who are targeted by corporate and/or government agencies in attempts to silence them.

There's a difference between stupidity and ignorance: Stupid people know better, but do dumb things anyway....whereas ignorant people just don't know any better...neither one is an excuse for mindless behavior and/or inaction. Let's take back the world before it's too late! Educate the youth of the world, for education is empowerment, and empowerment leads to accountability.

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