Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Teaching Styles

Teaching Styles (9/14/2001)

Upon completion of a recent class assignment (My score was 13), it’s been confirmed that I possess an “Authoritative” style of teaching.

It came as no surprise to me that I’m authoritative, as I have the same demeanor while raising my children. I am firm, but loving and understanding, with the ability to realize that most situations are not to be viewed in terms of black and white. There’s a whole rainbow of colors, and true people (not just teachers) can see and appreciate this wide spectrum.

·         Some phrases often come to mind when dealing with life issues:

·         Don’t sweat the small stuff – is it really worth worrying over?

·         Choose your battles – is it really worth going to “war” over something trivial?

·         Life on life’s terms  - is it something that we can change? Will it really matter tomorrow?

Finally, I’d like to share a little “prayer” that I say daily: “…grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Quite often it’s the wisdom that people lack.

Other reflections from the lecture:

·         Statistics are just one of three types of lies: “White lies, damned lies and statistics”.

·         Too many educators are relying on medications versus effective teaching strategies and class room management skills.

·         Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Live for today…that’s why they call it the present. Each day is a gift.

Goofy reflections:

The Dewey Decimal System? The old card catalogs…man, was that a nightmare?

Carmen’s glasses are cool. Nice tinting.

Being called a “Googler”…that was funny! I’ve been called many things in life, but that was a first.

Does Farahi have to drive around to find parking? If not, he should.

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