Wednesday, November 9, 2011

We Didn't Start the Fire

I was culling information for my unit plans, and came across this video.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gregg, I hadn't heard that song in a long time and to tell you the truth when I used to listen to it I never really knew what Billy Joel was saying. As I was listening to it and trying to read the events one caught my eye "children of thalidomide," I had no idea what it meant, then I did some research and this is what I found:

    "It all began in Germany 1957, when the chemical company Chemie GrĂ¼nenthal started to sell a calming medicine by the name of Contergan. It was introduced as a completely harmless, mildly soporific medicine. In Sweden Contergan was sold as Neurosedyn under licence by Astra. It was sold from January 1959 until December 1961.

    Depending on which day after conception, the foetus was affected differently. Now, we know that the injuries happen very early in the pregnancy, between days 35-50. At that time, the pregnant women probably don't even know that she is pregnant. The most common injury is malformations or lack of arms and/or legs, but it can also be hearing impairment, deafness, blindness and internal injuries of the heart, kidneys, uterus etc. "

    Thank you for the song I will listen to it again to see what else I learn.
