Friday, October 28, 2011

Reflection on Mid-Term Presentation

I'm impressed with the level of professionalism and enthusiasm that was displayed during Wednesday's mid-term presentations. Without exception, all of the presenters did a fantastic job conveying their lesson plan in a manner that was clear and concise. Emitza and Altagracia made me hungry with their presentations on Spanish/Latin American cultural foods...YUM!

One clear illustration was that teaching curriculum over a broad spectrum of subject matter and grade levels requires different skill sets for the different elements. As a Secondary Education/History major, I found it enlightening to see how Elementary/Pre-K Teachers approach their lessons. It was also nice to see that there's seemingly a tie to history in most lessons, and over almost all curriculum.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Teaching History

Wow! Today was a rare day.

I got the call to substitute teach in Edison today (10/24), and actually had the opportunity to teach my subject matter area of concentration - History/Social Studies. Hooray!

The calls to sub are usually for K-5 (General Ed), and sometimes for Middle School (for all kinds of teaching), but today was 8th grade Social Studies.

I had the chance to use a "KWL Sheet" for the first time. The sheet is as follows:

What you Know                  What you Want to know          What you Learned
before the lesson                  during the lesson                       from/after the lesson

The text above is part of column headers (3). The students begin the class by filling out the first two columns. At the end of the class they fill out the last column. The teacher that I subbed for also had the students complete a matching/ID section from a text book.

This was a great day!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

'Cause I Saw It On TV

John Fogerty of CCR fame wrote:

They sent us home to watch the show comin' on the little screen, A man named Ike was in the white house, big black limousine. There were many shows to follow, from 'Hooter' to Doodyville. Though I saw them all, I can't recall which cartoon was real

Ike is Dwight Eisenhower. Which cartoon was real?  

The coon-skin caps, Yankee bats, the Hound Dog man's big start. The A-Bomb fears, Annette had ears, I lusted in my heart. A young man from Boston set sail the new frontier. And we watched the Dream dead-end in Dallas. They buried innocence that year.

Hound Dog man is Elvis. Cold War. Mickey Mouse club and Annette Funicello. JFK is the man from Boston. 

I know it's true, oh so true'...Cause I saw it on TV

We gathered round to hear the sound comin' on the little screen. The grief had passed, the old men laughed, and all the girls screamed...'Cause four guys from England took us all by the hand. It was time to laugh, time to sing, time to join the band.

The Beatles, and Fogerty's forming CCR.

But all too soon, we hit the moon, and covered up the sky. They built their bombs, and aimed their guns, and still I don't know why. The dominoes tumbled and big business roared. Every night at six, they showed the pictures and counted up the score.

Moon landing, and satellites. Dominoes are Vietnam soldiers, and they showed "scores" on TV (i.e. how many US dead, and how many Vietnamese dead.

I know it's true, oh so true'. Cause I saw it on TV

The old man rocks among his dreams, a prisoner of the porch. "The light", he says, "At the end of the tunnel was nothin 'But a burglar's torch". And them that was caught in the Cover are all rich and free. But they chained my mind to an endless tomb. When they took my only son from me

Father of a dead soldier, burglar's torch and Cover are references to Watergate.

I know it's true, oh so true 'Cause I saw it on TV

Question the truth. Not just what you see, but the "truths" behind what you see!

TV Rots Your Mind and Corrupts Your Children!

"As soon as the TV knows that the parent isn't watching, it tells the child to buy something". Dr. Jerry Weiner, Kean University.

I'm on a economic awarness kick with all the Wall Street stuff going on. Ask yourself why we're (the world) in such a bad economic state? Answer: Corporate Greed, and the Dumbing Down of the World...especially Americans. Lets call it the "Trance-Formation" of the world. We're all sitting around in a stupor of one sort or another, and the snake-oil salesmen are taking are hard earned cash. It's like we're hypnotized or mesmorized. Those who are aware are often distracted be burdens of survival. Those who overcome those burdens are the one's who are targeted by corporate and/or government agencies in attempts to silence them.

There's a difference between stupidity and ignorance: Stupid people know better, but do dumb things anyway....whereas ignorant people just don't know any better...neither one is an excuse for mindless behavior and/or inaction. Let's take back the world before it's too late! Educate the youth of the world, for education is empowerment, and empowerment leads to accountability.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Anti-ticpatory Set

There's no type in the title. I just got home from a parent/teacher conference with my sons 8th grade Science teacher. My son is struggling this year due to the amount of math that's required for physical science, so I thought it was best to discuss this with his teacher.

I was given 5 were all parents, to discuss his performance. We reviewed his efforts in class, and I was told that my son is "hot and cold", and that his seat was recently changed to remove him from his "buddies" and help him concentrate. I asked the teacher is he any sort of syllabus or listing of subjects/dates that he was using. His answer was no. I then asked if there was any way that I could get a list of the topics in advance as to prime my son for class. He told me that he's "had experience with that in the past", and that "students will read a book about 'xyz' and then think they know all about it". I thought that reading was supposed to be a good thing? Oh well, I proceded to take another approach and ask him he he used anticipatory sets to build upon prior classes, and scaffold learning of new material.

I nearly fell off my chair when he told me that he didn't use anticipatory sets, and that "it's not fair to other students who understand the material to go back over something that was already covered...they would get bored." At that point the bell rang and my time was up. I proceeded to ask a few more questions while I was hastily escorted from the classroom. It was clear to me that this man was truly not a good teacher in terms of using effective teaching strategies, so I just smiled and walked away steaming mad.

I've taught in this school as a substitute teacher, and both of my sons attend classes there. I have seen first hand that this school is a prime illustration of quantity, not quality...and they're pushing students through the system by "teaching to the test". Perhaps this is also a good illustration that the American education system needs a complete overhaul. It's become a bottm-line game of making money (via state/federal aid, etc). It's not fair to deny a proper education to a student because other students might get "bored". The job of a teacher should be to ensure that ALL students get what they need. Dr. Rick Lavoie says that fairness in education is not a question of giving each student the same thing, but it's about giving each student what they need in order to learn.

Anticipatory Sets...GRRRRRR!!!!!!  

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Reflection on Melda

Wow! Melda is an extremely knowledgeable person, and has the ability to engage her class to the maximum. Her mind is often like a blender on high speed. She processes information and breaks it down so fast, then serves it to the class fully processed. Quite often I observe blank stares from people who just aren't ready to, or don't have the ability to, process all of the information that's being conveyed. I don't feel it's a problem. If someone doesn't "get it", then they should ask for clarification...not complain.

I must admit that sometimes my head is ready to explode from all of the information that's packed into one class, but then reflect on what happened during class and it all makes sense.

Teacher's Prayer Reflection

Teacher's Prayer

I want to teach my students ho to live on Earth.
To face its struggles and its strife, and improve their worth.
Not just a lesson in a book, or how the rivers flow, but how to choose
the proper path wherever they may go.
To understand eternal truth, and know right from wrong, and
gather all the beauty of a flower and a song.
For if I help the world to grow in wisdom and in grace,
then I shall feel that I have won, and I have filled my place.
And so I ask your guidance, God, that I may do my part.
For character and confidence, and happiness of heart.

7 x13 =28

Proof that not everyone thinks alike, and there's no right answer.

Media Literacy

A democratic civilization will save itself only if it makes the language of the image into

a stimulus for critical reflection – not an invitation for hypnosis.

- Umberto Eco
People need to stop being sheeple...get active...stop watching a book.
The Barking Mouse - Why It's Good To Know A Second Language
Paulo Freire and Critical Pedagogy -

Getting Active

Be The Butterfly

Some say that the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil can change the weather in Texas.

Your actions are just as powerful.

In America today:

35 million of us live in poverty, yet we are creating billions in debt for global war.

Since our intervention in Iraq, more than 10,000 Iraqi citizens have been killed.

89.5 million acres of public trust land have been opened up to corporate destruction since 2000.

We imprison more people than any other country in the world.

Is this what it means to be an American?

Patriotism without activism is blind obedience.

Taking action is an American tradition.

Use your mind, your voice, your money and your voice.

Even the smallest action changes our country and our world.

Activism is Patriotism.

Late Students

How to deal with a late student?

There’s no one right answer to this question. The teacher’s reaction should be based upon the circumstances involved:

-          First and foremost: What’s the school policy on lateness?

-          Is the student chronically late?

-          Are other students late as well?

-          Is the student disruptive? If so, to what extent?

-          Talk to the student after class or via e-mail/phone.

-          Advise student of lateness/absence policies of the school.

-          Probe to see if there are any extenuating circumstances which are causing lateness.

Reflection for today10/12

Covered a great deal of material and gained clarity of the assignments. Was not sure of the overall listing of due dates versus the actual assingments.

Overall a good class. Thanks Melda.

Teaching Styles

Teaching Styles (9/14/2001)

Upon completion of a recent class assignment (My score was 13), it’s been confirmed that I possess an “Authoritative” style of teaching.

It came as no surprise to me that I’m authoritative, as I have the same demeanor while raising my children. I am firm, but loving and understanding, with the ability to realize that most situations are not to be viewed in terms of black and white. There’s a whole rainbow of colors, and true people (not just teachers) can see and appreciate this wide spectrum.

·         Some phrases often come to mind when dealing with life issues:

·         Don’t sweat the small stuff – is it really worth worrying over?

·         Choose your battles – is it really worth going to “war” over something trivial?

·         Life on life’s terms  - is it something that we can change? Will it really matter tomorrow?

Finally, I’d like to share a little “prayer” that I say daily: “…grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Quite often it’s the wisdom that people lack.

Other reflections from the lecture:

·         Statistics are just one of three types of lies: “White lies, damned lies and statistics”.

·         Too many educators are relying on medications versus effective teaching strategies and class room management skills.

·         Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Live for today…that’s why they call it the present. Each day is a gift.

Goofy reflections:

The Dewey Decimal System? The old card catalogs…man, was that a nightmare?

Carmen’s glasses are cool. Nice tinting.

Being called a “Googler”…that was funny! I’ve been called many things in life, but that was a first.

Does Farahi have to drive around to find parking? If not, he should.

Make a Difference

This video clip is astonishing. I was brought to tears by the story of the boy and his teacher. The teacher
had preconceived notions about the student which were based on other teacher's reports. She initially based her treatment on the boy based upon these reports, but later discovered that the boy's mother had died. She changed her approach to the child, and the child responded well and eventually went onto become a Doctor, then gotmarried and had a family. He remianed in constantcontact with the teacher, and the teacher realized that she teaches students, not lesson plans. See the link onmy EDU 3000 site.

Paulo Friere

Friere has priginal thoughts that reflect a mosaic society rather than the tradition concept of a melting pot as is often the case in the United States.